
We did it!
June 2024

Yes, we did it, a first gig after twelve years. And what a great evening it was. Thanks to all of you, coming the long road to some sort of family meetup, it was a pleasure to see and talk to you after that long time.

And special thanks to Lauritz Jordan for preparing the audience,  Philipp Tofahrn and Jorg Fischer to jump in on the bass and to the Efzet in Bad Vilbel for letting us their location for this evening.

You'll find some impressions in the slideshow and probably an interview in the next release of Prog-résiste:

Something unexpected - June 22, 2024
May 2024

Dear Friends of versus X,

yes, this is not a dream but a fresh news entry after just 6 years..

Probably many believed we no longer exist after that period. We simply were busy with our music and other internal stuff and not really able to post some credible information. However, this is up to change for the upcoming epoch.

To bring our stiff bones into some motion we start with a tiny concert. As we've learned in the past, we should not confront the audience with unreleased material, so we (basically) play well known songs.

Due to the location we decided to not bring the big acoustic drums but present some songs without drums and others with electronic drums.

Simply said, This will be an uncommon performance in an uncommon lineup but still the accustomed music of versus X.

The show happens

on Saturday, June 22, 2024,

at Efzet in Saalburgstraße 1, 61118 Bad Vilbel,

Entry: 19:00 – Warmup from 19:30  – Show: 20:15

Free entry, donations welcome.

Please don't miss the warmup featuring Lauritz Jordan. Solo performing songs from the Ersatz-Human Project (bandcamp, youtube), this will be a great complement for the evening.

March 2018

After working one year with Thomas Reiner to be prepared for recording the next VersusX album, we finally had to realize that things did not evolve as expected. As a consequence we've decided to stop recoding and follow different paths in the future.

We'll see how this now empty space can be filled again and how we can finalize the recordings without him.

25th Anniversary
January 2018

Wow, its been exactly 25 years since our first gig on January 16th, 1993 happened in Dreikönigskeller/Frankfurt!

Worth to celebrate this very special day with our long time supporting first-day fans Michael Sturm and Dieter Kraus who got part of the versus X family:

Drummer's Cage 3D
September 2017

There still is an exit...

The final piece
August 2017

We're currently finalizing the last song for the upcoming CD which sounds incredible interesting, so we decided to share a little piece with you:

Drumset, check!
June 2017

Thomas just completed his Drumsetup, so we're prepared...

We're back!
March 2017

After some creative break we are currently finalizing the songs for our next CD.

Much has happened through the past years. After loosing our rehearsal room and relocation of both Thomas, regular rehearsals were no longer possible. It took a while to not only find a new location for our equipment but also to re-arrange with the new situation. Finally we found a compromise to continue to work in our proved to be good band constellation.

Plan for 2012
January 2012

After four live concerts in relatively fast succession we are now going to work on new songs in order to complete song list for the next versus X CD. Therefore we decided not to play further gigs until the new songs are worked out.
We hope to be ready to record the new CD and to present it live in 2012.

versus X at Convention Prog Résiste 2011
May 2011

We're proud to be invited to the this years Convention Prog Résiste. Along with Sky Architect, The Tangent and Pallas we're playing on the first day of the convention.
Find more information here: Convention Prog Résiste

versus X - remastered
November 2010

During the last weeks we've made huge efforts to reprint three of our sold out albums. Next to Disturbance and Turbulent Zone our first CD, sold out for about 10 years, will be back in stores, soon.
Contrary to the newer records, which will be re-released without modifications on the audio tracks, for versus X we decided to do a complete remix on the original tapes to gain more transparency in sound. This new release will therefore encounter stores with a slightly modified title and front cover: versus X - remastered
For all three reprints we had to rebuild the complete artwork too, where we basically improved readability of the lyrics. For all who are already owner of these albums and in need of the new booklets, we provide a special Booklet-Upgrade-Pack in our shop so you don't have to buy both albums just to possess the new booklets.

Concerts 2010
August 2010

Autumn has come and VersusX is on tour during the next few months. Four gigs are fixed, all interesting double features. So expect plenty of progressive feed for your ears.
Sadly to say, but the planned gig with Seconds Out had to be moved into 2011 for organizational reasons.
(see Gigs)
For all who can't join our Concerts we've compiled a live DVD recorded in 2009 at the Maximal. This will be available through our online Shop from September.
Ah, and we've also uploaded some video samples here: VersusXprog on YouTube

2010 is coming
February 2010

One year has passed and Songs for a new Album are evolving. For 2010 some Concerts are already scheduled (see Gigs) and more may come. Stay tuned.

Presse zu Primordial Ocean
January 2009

We've assembled you some statements to our actual album Primordial Ocean in the Press section

Live Pictures
December 2008

Some new live pictures were added to the gallery.

Primordial Ocean
January 2008

It's finally done! The golden master of our new album "Primordial Ocean" is out for duplication now, so first copies should arrive in stores within the next few weeks.
If you can't wait that long, you're free to take a peek into the Primordial Ocean Booklet (PDF).

Absage Freakparade
October 2007

Unfortunately we have to confirm that we had to cancel our gig at the 2nd Freakparade Festival for health reasons!
The Festival will happen without versus X!

versus X at MySpace
May 2007

Please check out versus X auf MYSPACE MUSIC!

New Member 2007
February 2007

We have to inform you about a change in versus X personnel. In 2006 Uwe had to leave versus X because his job location had been transferred to Cologne, which is too far away from Frankfurt to enable regular rehearsals. Both Uwe and the rest of the band felt very sorry that their fruitful 8 years collaboration could not be continued under the new circumstances. Nevertheless Uwe agreed to finalise drumtracks for the new versus X which he did by the end of 2006.

After loosing a drummer of Uwe’s abilities the band went through some weeks of deep uncertainty whether a new drummer could be found who would be able and willing to undergo the torture to learn our very complicated material and to play with us for almost no financial reward.

However, we obviously underestimated the musical reward which is associated with our music which soon after showed a clear triumph when one of our ads was replied to by the well experienced drummer Thomas Reiner . Thomas not only was willing and able to join our musical efforts and even lives in Frankfurt, but he is also a great fan of progressive rock music and thus fits incredibly well into versus X.

His technically very elaborated style is somewhat different from Uwe’s with an emphasis on percussive support of melodies plus additional noises and sound samples, which slightly change the versus X sound and add some new influences to the versus X compositions. We are all well aware of the fact this coincidence represents a really lucky twist of fate, providing us with the opportunity to further dig into the musical realms of the unknown of progressive rock as we did from the beginning.

New Member 2003
January 2003

The Message hits us unexpected, our Bass-Player Joerg Fischer left the Band just after one year, caused by the multiple loads from his engagement in other Bands.

Fortunately he presented us a potential successor, Thomas Keller,, known by insiders as the keyboarder from FLEXABLE.
During several rehearsals in the past weeks we could satisfy ourselves about his musical qualities.
So we now officially proudly present him as the new Bass-Player of versus X.

His primary job is playing the bass-part, but he is a real multi-instrumentalist and well handed on various percussion-instruments, electric guitar and, of course, keyboards.
Actually we're busy getting him prepared for the two big gigs in summer, but his talents will provide us some new musical options in the future.

Picture Galery
January 2001

We have placed a new Picture-Gallery with some great Photos of Live-Gigs from "Spirit of 66" (Vervies, Belgium 2001), Orthez (France, 2002) and Tiana (Barcelona, Spain 2004) in the Band-Area.

Pressestimmen Primordial Ocean

The new album is running fine. Reviews can be checked
at Amazon
or at Babyblauen Seiten
Also in the French speaking part of Europe it obtains a high status
and in the rest of the world it seems to be better known as we thought ...
we're getting some request from our MySpace site ...
Keep it up! We want get back the expenses somehow ;-)
... and the Gig machine is going to start as well ...:
Two events could be organised. Details you can see on our Gigs site